
The Pisgah Scorpions Pathfinder Club Page:


The Pisgah Scorpions Pathfinders Registration and Enrollment
for the 2021-2022 Club Year is NOW OPEN!

Our Membership is open to any and all youth ages 10-18.
All interested parties, please complete the online application form HERE:
Or this secure link here:

It is that time again!

Along with the new school year, we too begin our new Pathfinder year.
Our Pathfinder club will be very active in club meetings and events in our Washington, DC Metro Area club events and in our Allegheny East Conference events as well.

We will hold regular club meetings on the 1st and 3rd Sundays from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.both in-person and virtually for those that perefer to participate from home. For In-person meetings, state, county and church COVID-19 protocols requires us to have social distancing measures in place and masks and/or face coverings will be required. Pathfinder uniforms are part of our requirments, especially when we are out in the community for service and Spiritual outreach. There will be many opportunities for Pathfinders to engage in outreach, recreational activities, camping events and more. We will have club socials once a month as well.

We will rcontinue being active in many areas this year. Some include Community Service Ministry, Youth Evangelism, Drill & Marching & Color Guard exercises, the Pathfinder Bible Experience (P.B.E.) event as well as training meetings and camping events as well. 

But most importantly, we will be striving to ensure that our Pathfinders complete their classes of study and pass their Investiture Achievement (IA or AY) levels. The areas of study emphasized in the IA journals are everything our Pathfinders need to become young Christians whom are not afraid to tell others about their Faith in Jesus. It also helps them become well-rounded citizens of society.

Our church motto is “Loving God Completely and others unconditionally.” It’s on the backs of our Pathfinder shirts and it is part of all that we do as Pisgah. It has been for years. This Pathfinder Year, we will work with our club to come up with a theme for the year. The 5 year emphasis for our conference is “Keys To The Kingdom” and the International Pathfinder Camporee 2024 theme is “Believe The Promise” Our Goal is to get back to the basics of our Church’s mission: get our young people out in the community and through youth evangelism, show them the character and love of Christ.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns,
please email us at

 2021 Pathfinder Day Sabbath Worship Service

Please Join Us On October 16, 2021 for our Pathfinder Day Worship Service!
Worship Services are in-person and online via ZOOM and Live Stream.

October 16, 2021, 11:00 am
May God Bless You!

Video Pictorial of some of our memories from the 2019-2020 Club Year


Thank You to Everyone who helped our club experience the
2019 International Pathfinder Camporee in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
We truly enjoyed what it means to be CHOSEN!

Three of our Pathfinders were baptised, taking their stand with Jesus Christ.
Wesley Latta, Naylane Matheson & Drake Brown.

One of our Pathfinders was named Confenence Pathfinder of the Year.
Wesley Latta.
Please check back. Pictures and Vidoes coming soon.

The Pathfinder Bible Experience

The Pathfinder Bible Experience is the Official North American Division Pathfinder Bible study program.
Some affectionately call the program Bible Bowl. Each year, teams of six club members study a book of the Bible
(alternating Old Testament and New Testament), memorizing large portions of God's word.

There are four levels of competition - Area, Conference, Union, and Division.

Your Pisgah Scorpions & The Breath Of Life Buccaneers PBE teams took part in the Metro Area level round
and both teams have advanced to the Conference level round.

This Next Round is taking place February 23, 2019
at Metropolitan SDA Church & Activity Center.
6307 Riggs Road, Hyattsville, MD 20783.

There will be Worship Service, Lunch and the PBE event begins at 3:30pm.
Guest Speaker is Pastor Patrick Graham.

Please continue to pray & support our youth!


Our Pisgah Scorpions Pathfinder Day
took place on December 8, 2018!


Well, it was an incredibly emotional Pathfinder Day to say the least... The kids inspired us as young leaders by leading out in all areas of worship service. Our Color Guard opened things up Patriotically and Pathfinders & MasterGuides marched in unison to the Cadence set by the awesome Metropolitan Metrolites Drum Corp as they played with precision. Thanks to Victor Marcelle for getting them here. We heard an incredible, heart-filled and inspiring appeal given by Associate Area Coordinator for the Metro Area Adventurer Clubs, Sis. Cheryl Sellow. Our prayer is that someone answers the call to lead our Adventurers here at Pisgah. Six of our Pathfinders were invested, including the two sons of our AEC Executive Coordinator, Genny SmallMoore, as she read to them the Investiture charge with tears of Joy. Those same gifted young boys played & sang a beautiful Special Music presentation. I gave respect & recognition to all those Pathfinder leaders whom came before me because they are the true unsung heroes for our Youth. The Youth Praise & Worship team sang beautifully like angels. God put a message on Pastor Novella D. Smith 's heart and we were truly Blessed by an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Fellowship Meal was lovely. Our AY Program was fun and Brother Jay Moore gave us an inspiring word on building up our "Chosen" young people for God. We visited one of our legendary Adventurer & Pathfinder leaders in our time, Brother Frank Weedon. And ended the day having a fun dinner social at a great place: Foster's Grill in Waldorf. Thank you to all our visitors & visiting Pathfinder clubs, our Area Coordinator, Regina Carter Wright, our Pastor, my staff, our Church Leaders, ministry volunteers and supporters, our Parents and everyone who supports our youth. Thank you all. - Director Los

Here are a few pictures from the Investiture.

We Are Pathfinder Strong!


Information About Joining The Pisgah Scorpions Pathfinders

Pisgah Scorpions Pathfinder Club Logo 

Pathfinders "those who go ahead and discover or show others a path or way." are a Worldwide organization of young people sponsored by the Seventh-day Adventist Church, though young people of any religious persuasion, or none at all, are welcome and encouraged to join the organization.

Thank you for visiting our page.
We are happy that you have an interest in our youth ministry. Please read on and our hope is that you find here the information you need.

We Are The Pisgah Scorpions of the Pisgah Seventh-day Adventist Church.
We are in the Allegheny East Conference, under the Columbia Union Conference 
of the North American Division of the World General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Churches.

Our Goal is to build up our youths in our church and community with a Spiritual foundation of knowing Jesus Christ and understanding God's Word in the Bible.
ANY youth between the ages of 10 - 15, (5th - 10th grades) of any denomination or none at all, are encouraged to join our organization.
We also have a Teen Leaders in Trainng (T.L.T.) program for youths aged 16-18, (11th & 12th grades).

Our Objectives include helping develop our youths to be responsible and mature individuals and leaders in the church ministries and our communities by mentoring them through fellowship, worship, outreach and service as well as teaching them discipline, etiquette and proper conduct.

We engage our youths with many character-building activities including, but not limited to: Team Building Exercises, Leadership Training, Retreats, Camping & Survival Skills, Community Service & Outreach, Honors Training (with awards given in the form of a patch upon successful completion) which include areas like Arts & Crafts, Health, Science, House & Home, Nature, Vocational, Outreach & Recreation.

To join Our Club, please contact Carlos J. Shaw @ or 202-306-3559.
See the links on the right of this page for our registration & enrollment forms.

We have formal events where we wear a uniform much like the Boy/Girl Scouts.
There are some additonal fees for these as well as nominal costs for certain events.

We have an annual registration fee and club dues. Please see the most current club application for more details.

Our club calendar year follows the school year from August to July.
We meet at our Church and virtually typically on the 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month.

We expect youth to be on time and ready to learn and experience the Spirit of Pathfindering. We have a code of conduct and a discipline action plan and thus we expect all youth to adhere to these basic rules to ensure everyone has a very rewarding experience with our club.

We hope that you would allow your child the opportunity to learn and grow with us.

See the Links on the Right Navigation Menu to Learn More Information about Pathfinders.

Have A Blessed Day!

2017 - 2018 YEAR IN REVIEW

I thank God and give Him the Glory for everything He has done to further the Pathfinder Ministries Worldwide. I pray that my Lord & Savior will continue Blessing our young people and keeping them forever close to Him and sharing His love to others! It was an Awesome, Inspiring, Tiring, Spirit-led & Rewarding Pathfinder Sabbath Program as well as a fun-filled Pathfinder Community Fun Day. Thank you to my staff, our many church leadership supporters, all of our parents, and everyone whom has had a hand in making our Pathfinder Ministry here at Pisgah a success in these last 2 years that I've been our Pathfinder Director. We could not have done this without all of your support. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. God Bless You All!

Please enjoy this video with a few highlights from our 2017-2018 year!


2018 - 2019 Registration and New Member Enrollment Program

The Pisgah Scorpions Pathfinder Club are pleased to announce its 2018 - 2019 Annual Pathfinder Registration & Enrollment. This year's program will take place on Sunday, August 12, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. We welcome back all returning Scorpions as well as any youth whom would like to join our club. Any and all youth between the ages of 10 - 15 are invited to join. (Youths 9 years of age can also join if their 10th birthday falls between August 2018 - July 2019.) All teens ages 16 - 18 are also encouraged to join our club as part of our Teen Leadership Training (TLT) program.


THIS Pathfinder Year's Focus: "ALL ROADS LEAD TO OSHKOSH!"
The International Pathfinder Camporee will be taking place in August 12-17, 2019 in Oshkosh, Wisconsin and we will be part of this momentous event. Every 5 years, 50,000 Pathfinders from around 100 countries come to play, share, learn and worship together. It's an opportunity of a lifetime; sure to strengthen your relationship with God.  This year's theme is "CHOSEN." We will be focusing our efforts on lots of fundraising events this year to have everything we need for the camporee. For more information, please visit

We are excited to begin this new year. We learned a lot from last year and are ready to implement some new and great things this year to create an even better Pathfinder experience for our youth. Please spread the Good News! Thank You. God Bless You.


"But you are a chosen generation...who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light." ~ I Peter 2:9 NKJV



Pisgah Scorpions at the 2018 AEC Pathfinder Fair

June 21 - 24, 2018

This year's theme for the AEC Pathfinder Fair was Building Character To Be "Chosen" - Good Samaritan. I am pleased to announce we placed 8th overall out of 43 registered clubs! We earned 1st place for the Metro Area in the Campsite Inspection category. We received a perfect score for our Parade march. We earned a 2nd place for our Basic Drilling & Marching skills. We placed pretty well in the Pack, Pitch & Strike, Fire Building, Orienteering, Theme Emphasis Skit & First Aid skills events. To top it all off, our very own Jacob Moore received the Conference Pathfinder Of The Year Award. This adds to his existing recognition of Pathfinder Of The Year for our Club this year. I am so very proud of all of our Pathfinders. Please join me in congratulating ALL of them. This was my 2nd time as club Director and many of our currentl club members as well. We also had a few of our kids whom experienced their first Pathfinder Fair. I also have to give a very special Thank You to our Sales Mall Team: Maceo & Lori Hart, Cerise Shaw, Ronnita Green, Alice Freeman, Susanna Robin, Carlise Shaw, Fleada Scott, Clara Shaw and everyone on hand who helped as well as everyone else who donated food & money to support our club fundraiser. Special Shout Outs go out to ALL of you who trained, supported, assisted, taught, cheered and rooted for us along the way! Please enjoy some of the pictures  below. Be sure to visit our FB page to see all of the pictures from the Fair.


SALES MALL FUNNIES: Take a look at some of these funny videos from the Sales Mall

Singing The Pathfinder Song!

Carlise - The Lit Sales Rep

Carlise - Up-Selling on 100+



 Congratulations to our Pathfinders Of The Year: Simone (2nd year) & Jacob!


The Scorpions Attend The Metro Area Skills Empowerment Weekend
Watkins Park & Go Ape Zip Line Adventure Park, May, 2018

From Spiritual Devotion & Prayer to Fire Building Skills & Camp Fire Safety to Marching & Drilling disciplines to First Aid to Pack, Pitch & Strike to Knot Tying to Orienteering to the Drill Down, our Pathfinders had lots of training in preparation for the AEC Pathfinder Fair and ultimately, the 'latter rain'. We teamed up with First SDA Church in our activities and had a great day of skills empowerment. We endured rainy weather and flooded terrain, but we thank God in all things.

We are Pathfinder Strong! #PathfinderStrong... #WeAreScorpions...

See more of our pictures on our Facebook page by clicking this link here: Metro Area Skills Empowerment Weekend


Youth Praise & Worship Ministry are also our Pathfinders


Please Visit Our Facebook Group Page HERE
To See More Images & Videos




Pathfinder Club

Pisgah Scorpions Club Logo